Everything the Institute does occurs within the context of contemplative prayer. The spiritual development and prayer life of each priest is the bedrock to this ministry. The Holy Spirit confers the gifts of spiritual discernment necessary to ascertain the presence of evil, and Jesus Christ is the true exorcist who works through the actions of His priests. Thus, at the center of each day is our celebration of the Eucharist and the Liturgy of the Hours.
Relying upon experienced exorcists and theologians, as well as experts in the field of medicine, and psychiatry, law, and education, the Institute formulated a broad curriculum of intensive, in-depth educational programming. With practicums, case studies, and an interactive adult teaching methodology, the Institute coaches the bishop, priest and deacon participants as they strategize their approach in the face of challenging circumstances.
Mentoring and consultation services exist to support clergy and laity in ensuring fidelity with standards of church teaching and health care. We support local diocesan teams in developing effective ministerial strategies and prayerful approaches to engage in all forms of spiritual warfare.
In accordance with psychiatric medicine and formal church teaching, the Institute provides clergy with a font of rudimentary background information and basic knowledge concerning fundamental spiritual manifestations, the myriad types and functions of spirits, and the dynamics of multiple destructive manifestations of evil. The Institute also serves as a forum for ongoing collaboration and support among the exorcists themselves.
Clergy master a basic general theoretical framework of understanding and learn professional approaches and best practices related to confronting demonic forces in varied circumstances.
Learn more about our programs and curriculum today.
The Eucharist is at the heart of our days, anchoring all our study and prayer, as both their source and summit.
The Institute regards adoration as one of the most precious treasures in priestly formation because it is a time when what is learned during the academic sessions can be brought before Christ.
We begin each module with a silent retreat, in order to allow participants to focus on Christ and to prepare for the courses through prayer.