Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
I am most grateful to our Father in Heaven for His steadfast love and support of each of you, His most beloved children. Our entire journey on this earth as adopted children of the Heavenly Father, sharing in Christ’s sonship, is to come to know ourselves as completely dependent upon Him, and to faithfully turn to Him both as source of our joy and fulfillment of our deepest desires.
We who live in joy also live in hope. We anticipate the final defeat of the Evil One, sure of our victory gained through the Precious Blood of Jesus. The Pope Leo XIII Institute is witness to this outpouring of joy as fruit of Christ’s divine indwelling. Supported by bishops, priests, exorcists, theologians, and laity alike, our journey is one of spiritual growth, dynamic learning, and grace-filled healing.
St. John Paul II, in a General Audience on August 13, 1986, warned: “[In saying,] ‘You will become like God’ or ‘like gods’ (cf. Gn 3:5) . . . the evil spirit tries to transplant into man the attitude of rivalry, insubordination, and opposition to God, which has, as it were, become the motivation of all his existence.”
Contrast this attitude of rivalry, insubordination, and opposition to God with the attitude of a child who delights in our Lord.
“Whoever loves me will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our dwelling with him.” (Jn 14:23).
Friends, these words of love describe the gift of the Holy Trinity within us. God is our source of life and love. During these past years of contemplative prayer, collaborative work, expert research, educational experiences, and guidance from the Holy Spirit, we launched the Pope Leo XIII Institute, an endeavor to create steadfast leadership and support for exorcists and other healing ministers working on the front lines of spiritual warfare within our Church and the secular world.
Through spiritual discernment, the dissemination of educational materials and our annual conferences, our mission has remained strong: to bring the healing light of Christ to help free those afflicted by the Evil One and to dispel his presence in our world.
Our work represents the collective efforts of many contributors who generously and lovingly give of their time, talent, and treasure. My gratitude and God’s blessing extends to so many supporters, contributors, and benefactors who continue to answer the call to lead, especially at critical junctures in the growth and development of our Institute. With the Lord’s help, may we continue to build His kingdom until that day when Christ becomes “all and in all” (Colossians 3:11).
Msgr. John Esseff, Board President
The Pope Leo XIII Institute, 2015